Category Archives: Other Dermatoses

Dental sinus


          A 17-year old male presented with an inflamed red nodule within which a chronic discarging sinus at the centre of the lower jaw of more than one year duration. Dental X-ray disclosed a periapical abscess of the second premolar tooth. The patient referred to a dentist for definitive therapy.

Granuloma annulare


          A 49-year-old woman presented with an asymptomatic, red, annular plaque with elevated beaded border and flat depressed center. The plaque involved the dorsum of the hand of about 6 months duration. Skin biopsy was consistent with GA.

Pseudocyst of the auricle


          A 27-year-old male presented with a fluctuant, tense, noninflammatory swelling on the upper half of the ear of six months duration. The patient denied history of any trauma. Needle aspiration yielded serous fluid. This presentation is typical of pseudocyst of the auricle (auricular endochondral pseudocyst).

Dermatitis artefacta


          A 38-year-old married woman presented with an irregular, clear-cut, longitudinal crusted ulcer about 12×2.5 cm with pinkish red border involved the flexor aspect of the upper part of the forearm of 1 month duration. The ulcer seems to be self-induced with a caustic material (chemical burn) but the patient denied any history of self-mutilatin. The ulcer appearance plus the rapid evolution in addition to non-specific histological findings on skin biopsy may permit the diagnosis of dermatitis artefacta.

Senile purpura


          A 75-year-old man presented with spontaneous idiopathic ecchymotic patches and one hemorrhagic blister on the dorsa of both hands of one week duration. The patient claimed no history of previous trauma or drug intake. Physical examination was negative and on investigations his blood profile was normal.

Coated tongue


          A middle-aged woman presented with an asymptomatic off-white creamy coat covered the dorsal surface of the tongue of two weeks duration. Her history was negative except for recently taken oral metronidazole. On stoppage of suspected culprit (Flagyl) the crust had disappeared within 7-10 days. On rechallenging with metronidazole the coat has appeared again. Smear and culture from the coat was negative for candida.

Colloid milium


          An 11-year-old boy presented with asymptomatic, multiple, translucent, skin-colored to yellowish 1-3 mm in diameter papules on both cheeks and nose of many years duration. Family history of similar condition (juvenile colloid milium) was negative.

Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis


          A 30-year-old darkly-complexioned woman presented with a slightly itchy and scaly hyperpigmented confluent reticulated papules confined to the intermammary region of two years duration. This condition also is known as Gougerot and Carteaud disease.