Category Archives: Fungal Infections

Fungal Skin Diseases

Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)


          A 28-year-old woman with poorly controlled DM developed thick, whitish, crud-like plaques on the dorsal surface of the tongue (Thrush) and oral commissures (Perleche or Angular cheilitis) of many weeks duration following a prolonged course of antibiotics for severe UTI.

Intermammary Candidiasis


           A 45-year-old woman presented with pruritic papulopustules on a background of erythema involved the inter- and infra-mammary region of two weeks duration. Dramatic response to a 10-day-course of topical nystatin combined with weak cortisone (Hydrocortisone) in a cream base was obtained.

Chronic paronychia

Chronic paronychia21


           A house-wife presented with painless erythematous pillow-like swelling of the proximal nail folds chiefly of the right predominant hand associated with cuticular loss of the affected fingers. The nail plates of involved fingers were crumbled and ridged.

Tinea faciei


           A 53-year-old woman presented with dermatitis-like reaction on the face of six months duration with partial improvements and exacerbations on topical corticosteroid use. O/E an eryhtematous scaly rash with an active border involved most of the face was seen. KOH examination of scales yielded dermatophytes. Cure was obtained on oral griseofulvin and topical clotrimazole for 6 weeks.

Oral thrush


           A 21-year-old male with IDDM presented with widespread white plaques involved the entire dorsal surface of the tongue in addition to oral commissures. He gave history of prolonged course of antibiotics taken for upper respiratory tract infection. This patient also had scrotal (fissured) tongue in addition to oral candidiasis.