A 67-year-old woman presented with facial skin-epidermal atrophy (thin skin), persistent erythema, telengiectasis, purpuric spots and mutiple milia. Most of these manifestations were due to prolonged use of moderate-potent topical corticosteroids due to presumed chronic photosensitivity.
Category Archives: Acne and Rosacea
Acne and Rosacea
Nodulocystic acne
A 20-year-old male suffered severe from of acne vulgaris for > 4 years. He presented with many inflammatory papules, nodules, cysts and scars involved the cheeks, chin and forehead. A 3-month-course of Isotretinoin (Retane) 40 mg capsule once daily resulted in fantastic improvement in spite of moderate-severe xerotic mucocutaneous side effects affected mainly the lips and to a lesser extent the forearms.
Steroid acne
A 21-year-old body-builder male presented with monomorphous papulopustular rash involved mainly the upper trunk and upper arms of three months duration. He gave history of anabolic steroids intake 1-2 months before the onset of the rash.
Localized rosacea
A 34-year-old woman presented with erythema superimposed by papules and pustules confined only to the nose of six months duration. Poor response to topical and systemic antibiotics. Small dose Isoterinoin (20 mg per day) for 6 weeks greatly improved the rash and maintenance on 10 mg per day sustained the improvement.
Acne keloidalis nuchae
Neonatal acne
Acneiform eruption