Asymptomatic but cosmetically-bothering bilateral black comedones with some intevening yellowish elastotic papules involved the periorbital regions in approximity to the inner canthi of more than two years duration in a 61-year-old woman.
A 48-year-old lady suffered more than three years history of red papules, pustules, erythema and swelling involved the face mainly the butterfly region in addition to conjunctivitis. The course of her rash characterized by periods of relapses and remissions.
A 57-year-old woman presented with papules and pustules on erythematous background involved the butterfly region of the face of three years duration with a course characterized by remissions and exacerbations. Oral doxycycline plus topical metronidazole (Metrogel) gave acceptable remissions on many occasions.
An 18-year-old male suffered severe nodulocystic lesions, pustules and crustations on an erythematous background of the face of two years duration. Family history of severe ance was positive.
An adolescent male presented with a mixture of papules, pustules, white-head comedones and black-head comedones. The last is clearly shown in the auricle.
An asymptomatic, red, monorphic papulopustular rash with no comedones involved the trunk of two months duration in a teen-aged boy. The rash was induced by systemic corticosteroids (Triamcenolone injections).