Category Archives: Genodermatoses


Strawberry hemangioma


          An 8-month- old female infant presented with a unilateral, asymptomatic, large (an egg-size) purplish-red compressible nodule involved the right side of the chest since birth. A dermatologist has prescribed her oral Propranolol 1 mg per day for 4 months with no regression.

Nevus comedonicus


         A 22-year-old female presented with grouped closely-arranged slightly elevated papules with central black keratinous plugs involved one side the trunk near the shoulder area. At one side of the nevus inflammatory cyst surrounded by a small area of cellulitis is seen. The nevus had been noticed since early childhood.

Supernumerary digit


          Since birth an extra small digit arose from the ulnar side of the base of the left fifth finger had been noticed. The extra digit was rudimentary and comprised of skin only (skin tag -like). It lacked bone structure or nail unit. It was an isolated congenital anomaly without associated skeletal, cardiovascular or other defect.

Intra-oral lymphangioma circumscriprum


      A very unique case of congenital intra-oral lymphangioma circumscriptum in a 10-year-old boy presented with a predominantly-unilateral, grouped, deep-seated vesicles some of which were bloody, confined to the right posterior half of the hard palate.

Darier’s disease with warts

Darier's disease with warts2


           A 35-year-old woman who is a known case of Darier’s disease since early childhood presented with multiple asymptomatic verrucae on the trunk and hands of more than one year duration.
N.B. Some lesions of the widely spread common warts are highlighted by red rectangle in the second photo.