A 4-year-old girl presented with cerebellar ataxia and conjunctival and labial telangiectasia of more than two years duration.
Useful short view on ataxia telangiectasia can be visited at www.globalskinatlas.com
A 9-year-old boy presented with honey-comb like atrophy on both cheeks. The face was symmetrically involved by numerous closely crowded small areas of atrophy separated by narrow ridges, producing a cribriform or honeycomb surface. He had no associated other diseases, such as congenital heart block, other cardiac anomalies, neurofibromatosis, oligophrenia, or Down syndrome.
Since age of five years, this patient developed increasing number of bilateral symmetrical skin-colored to brownish discrete waxy translucent papules on the face especially the cheeks and chin. The number and relatively the size of the lesions have increased with advancing age. There were no other manifestations of tuberous sclerosis, no history of epilepsy and he has normal mentality.
A 40-year-old woman presented with numerous, asymptomatic, skin-colored to brownish flat papules on the dorsal surface of both hands with similar lesions on the elbows, forearms and legs. Skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis, thickening of the granular layer, acanthosis and church spire papillomatosis.
For more details you van visit www.globalskinatlas.com (Index: Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf).