Category Archives: Other Dermatoses

Relapsing Polychondritis


          A 48-year-old man suffered recurrent inflammatory episodes of the ear confined characteristically to the cartilaginous part of the external ear (note sparing of the ear lobe) of three years duration. He presented with painful and tender swelling of the ear, however other cartilage-containing structures like the nose, larynx and thoracic cage were not involved.

Erythromelanosis Follicularis Faciei et Colli

Erythromelanosis Follicularis Faciei et Colli2


         Erythromelanosis Follicularis Faciei et Colli is a unique erythematous pigmentary disease characterized by a reddish-brown, sharply demarcated, symmetrical discoloration involves the preauricular and maxillary regions. At times the pigmentation is blotchy. In addition, pale follicular papules may be present. Keratosis pilaris on the arms and shoulders is frequently found. It preferentially affects Asian patients. The present patient is an adolescent with bilateral symmetrical blotchy brownish hyperpigmentation on both cheeks and preauricular areas with some follicular papules of 4 years duration, in addition, to keratosis pilaris on both shoulders and upper arms.



          A 25-year-old man suffered skin whealing on friction, rubbing or stroking. The wheals last about 15-20 minutes and disappear. The presented photo shows classical linear wheals induced at consultation room by a blunt object.

Erythema toxicum neonatorum


          A 3-day-old neonate presented with small follicular papules and pustules on an erythematous base. The lesions involved the face, trunk, and proximal extremities.The eruption has disappeared  by the 10th day. Erythema toxicum neonatorum occurs in the majority of healthy full-term newborns, usually on the second or third day. Because it is so common dermatologists are usually consulted only for the most florid or atypical cases.

Erythema annulare centifugum


        A 20-year-old female gave a long history extended over many years of an annular and polycyclic erythematous lesions with slow peripheral extension involved the dorsum of the hand and flexor surface of the forearm. The surface of lesions was devoid of any scales, crusts or vesicles. She had no mucosal lesions. Skin biopsy showed many lymphocytes organized tightly around the blood vessels in a “coat sleeve” arrangement. The course of the condition was fluctuating in activity (waxing and waning in severity over these years). There was no associated other skin or systemic problem.



          A 20-year-old female bothered by severe whealing on minor skin stroking, scratching or even minor friction. Patient’s name in arabic language has been induced on her forearm at time of presentation as shown in the presented photo.