Genital wart involved the penile shaft and suprapubic region of three years. Some wart lesions had been treated with electrocautery two years ago. At last 6-8 months an eroded red nodule developed on top of wart lesions. Excisional biopsy with a suitable safe margin showed SCC invading the dermis.
Asymptomatic, seborrhoeic keratosis-like, brownish papules with black dots in between involved the shaft of the penis of 10 months duration. Lesional biopsy was consistent with bowenoid papulosis.
An 83-year-old woman presented with an irregular destructive ulcer with rolled up border and crusted base involved the nose of five years duration. The tip and part of the dorsal surface of the nose had been destroyed. There was no lymph node enlargement or distant metastasis.
A 5-year-old boy subjected to traumatic amputation of his distal phalanx one year ago. Six months later, many tender, skin-colored, smooth-surfaced papules have developed at the amputation stamp which on biopsy appeared to be neuromas.
A 30-year-old female presented with solitary, pinkish red, dome-shaped, nodule in the preauricular region of many months duration. Excisional biopsy was consistent with ALHE.
An asymptomatic, sessile, skin-colored nodule of many years duration all of a suden became red, painful and tender with small blood-containing vesicles and slight purulent discharge. Excisional biopsy disclosed an inflamed “irritated” skin tag.
A man presented with a painful keratotic papule on the helix of the ear of 6 months duration. On examination, it was tender and look like a small corn.