A middle-aged woman presented with asymptomatic, translucent, flesh-colored 1-3 mm papules involved the face mainly the cheeks. However, other sun-exposed areas were not involved. Skin biopsy was consistent with colloid milium.
A 57-year-old woman presented with papules and pustules on erythematous background involved the butterfly region of the face of three years duration with a course characterized by remissions and exacerbations. Oral doxycycline plus topical metronidazole (Metrogel) gave acceptable remissions on many occasions.
A 50-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic, rounded ulcer with hard cartilage-like sensation on palpation on the shaft of the penis just below the coronal sulcus of few weeks duration. STS (VDRL & TPHA) were positive. Two i.m. injections of benzathine penicillin 2.4 mega units one week apart resulted in cure.
A 50-year-old woman presented with asymptomatic atrophic patches on the side of the neck of 8 months duration. The skin overlying the patches was thin, pale white and slightly bulging. On palpation, the lesions gave the palpating finger just like the sensation as a hernial orifice.
An 18-year-old male suffered severe nodulocystic lesions, pustules and crustations on an erythematous background of the face of two years duration. Family history of severe ance was positive.
A 28-year-old woman with poorly controlled DM developed thick, whitish, crud-like plaques on the dorsal surface of the tongue (Thrush) and oral commissures (Perleche or Angular cheilitis) of many weeks duration following a prolonged course of antibiotics for severe UTI.
A 45-year-old woman presented with pruritic papulopustules on a background of erythema involved the inter- and infra-mammary region of two weeks duration. Dramatic response to a 10-day-course of topical nystatin combined with weak cortisone (Hydrocortisone) in a cream base was obtained.