A 70-year-old man suffered a chronic, severely pruritic, scaly, lichenified dermatitis on the photo-exposed areas specially the face and the dorsa of the hands of many years duration.
An adolescent male presented with a mixture of papules, pustules, white-head comedones and black-head comedones. The last is clearly shown in the auricle.
A 21-year-old male presented with increasing number of bilateral symmetrical flesh-colored to brownish discrete waxy translucent papules involved the nose and cheeks. The lesions started to appear since age of 4-5 years. He had no other cutaneous or systemic manifestation of tuberous sclerosis.
An asymptomatic, red, monorphic papulopustular rash with no comedones involved the trunk of two months duration in a teen-aged boy. The rash was induced by systemic corticosteroids (Triamcenolone injections).
Periorificial honey-colored crusts of 3-5 days duration in a 3-year-old male toddler. Cure obtained through one week course of oral cephalexin plus topical fusidic cream.
Multiple red papules with characteristic iris-like appearance involved the dorsal surface of forearms and hands of one week duration. The lesions appeared few days after the onset of herpes facialis in a middle-aged woman.
This 35-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic, solitary, mushroom-like, firm, red, slightly crusted nodule on the abdominal wall of 3-4 months duration. He had no other complaint. Excisional biopsy revealed secondary plamacytoma (Biopsy showed nodular and diffuse collections of plasma cells with varying degrees of pleomorphism and atypia). Further assessment by an oncologist with relevant investigations a hidden asymptomatic multiple myeloma was disclosed.
A housewife woman presented with chronic paronychia and nail plate discoloration and some dystrophy confined to few finger nails of many months duration.