A middle-aged woman presented with a solitary painful rounded ulcer less than 1 cm diameter with red base and punched-out border on the lateral border of the tongue of few days duration. No associated cutaneous or systemic manifestations.
A 25-year-old female presented with a unilateral, asymptomatic, hard, pinkish nodules extruding chalky whitish material. These nodules were confined to the extensor surface of one knee joint. She had no history of trauma, connective tissue disorder, bone disease or parathyroid dysfunction. Calcium and phosphorous levels were normal.
A 44-year-old woman presented with hyperpigmented, thickened, velvety-like skin on the nape of the neck of one year duration. Recently gastric adenocarcinoma was detected on gastroscopic biopsy.
A 7-year-old boy presented with an asymptomatic, bilateral symmetrical cirbriform (honeycomb) atrophy of the cheeks since birth. There was no associated heart or neurological disease.
Multiple, asymptomatic, rounded, circular (ring-like), atrophic plaques confined to one cheek have been noticed since birth in a one-year-old male infant.
A middle-aged woman bothered by an asymptomatic, flesh-colored sessile nodular mass with some brownish dots on the flank area of more than 20 years duration. Excisional biopsy showed acrochordon.
A 10-day-old neonate presented with fever and widespread blisters, pustules and raw erosions involved the face, neck, trunk and upper extremities of few days duration. The condition has been cured on topical and systemic antistaphylococcal antibiotics.
A 49-year-old woman was annoyed by the appearance of a solitary, black-brown nodule with papillated surface on the abdomen of few years duration. It has been surgically excised with primary suturing.