A 30-year-old female presented with solitary, pinkish red, dome-shaped, nodule in the preauricular region of many months duration. Excisional biopsy was consistent with ALHE.
A 36-year-old housewife presented with slightly painful red swollen proximal nail folds (bolster sign) of some fingers associated with slight crinkling of the involved nail plates of many months duration.
An asymptomatic, sessile, skin-colored nodule of many years duration all of a suden became red, painful and tender with small blood-containing vesicles and slight purulent discharge. Excisional biopsy disclosed an inflamed “irritated” skin tag.
A 40-year-old lady had choriocarcinoma treated with chemotherapy. Bleomycin was one of her treatment regimen. After few doses of bleomycin she developed linear hyperpigmentation on her back. Many brownish lines arranged in a haphazard way on the back. ‘Flagellate’ streaked pigmentation on the trunk and proximal extremities is common with bleomycin usage. It has been proposed that trauma from scratching induces localized vasodilatation, with increased concentration of cutaneous bleomycin.
A pruritic erythematous macerated patch involved the vault of one axilla of many days duration. On examination many satellite lesions were seen outside the mother patch. The rash responded very well to a two-week-course of topical antifungal therapy (Nystatin cream).
A man presented with a painful keratotic papule on the helix of the ear of 6 months duration. On examination, it was tender and look like a small corn.