Allergic contact dermatitis


       A young adult female presented with a unilateral red scaly patch associated with burning sensation confined to one axilla of one week duration. The rash appeared one to two days after applying antiprespirant spray.

Buerger’s disease


          A heavy-smoker man smoking more than two packs per day for more than 15 years suffered unilateral severe left foot pain after exercise for 6 months and one year later even at rest. Few months later ,an ulcer at the tip of the left big toe started to develop which increased in size gradually. On examination, a rounded ulcer having punched-out regular border with ischemic base was seen. Dorsalis pedis artery pulsation was negative on the affected side.Patient’s history was negative for diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, thrombotic or embolic disorders. Angiography result was compatible with thromboangiitis obliterans.

Bullous impetigo


          A less than one month old neonate presented with a 3-day-history of multiple superficial pustules on an erythematous base. Some lesions have been ruptured with some degree of exfoliation left. The rash has started in the neck flexure and spread to the neighboring areas of the chest and face. The condition seemed to be progressing toward Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome. The condition was cured with a 7-day course of an oral cloxacillin plus topical fusidic cream.

Steroid-induced purpura


          A 60-year-old woman suffering a long history of asthma has used to take systemic corticosteroids to control her attacks of shortness of breath. She presented with multiple purpuric lesions with skin atrophy of the dorsal surface of the forearms.

Common, interesting and rare dermatoses presented in simple way by Dr. Nameer Al-Sudany