Acral fibrokeratoma


           A 40-year-old man presented with a pinkish, hyperkeratotic, hornlike projection emerged from the tip of the big toe toe of more than one year duration. At the base of the projection there was a collarette of elevated skin.

This case was originally published in

Adenoma sebaceum


           Since age of five years, this patient developed increasing number of bilateral symmetrical skin-colored to brownish discrete waxy translucent papules on the face especially the cheeks and chin. The number and relatively the size of the lesions have increased with advancing age. There were no other manifestations of tuberous sclerosis, no history of epilepsy and he has normal mentality.

Erythema dyschromicum perstans


         A young adult man presented with an asymptomatic wide spread macular slate-grey hyperpigmentation involved mainly the torso of one year duration. It was not associated with any cutaneous or systemic disease. Some consider erythema dyschromicum perstans which is also known as Ashy dermatosis as a macular variant of lichen planus.

Bowen’s disease


        A very interesting case of a 75-year-old Russian woman lives in Iraq since many decades. She presented with an asymptomatic, slowly enlarging, well-circumscribed, slightly infiltrative, large psoriasiform plaque on the back of more than 5 years duration. Skin biopsy showed typical histologic appearance of Bowen’s disease.

Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf


          A 40-year-old woman presented with numerous, asymptomatic, skin-colored to brownish flat papules on the dorsal surface of both hands with similar lesions on the elbows, forearms and legs. Skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis, thickening of the granular layer, acanthosis and church spire papillomatosis.
For more details you van visit (Index: Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf).

Actinic Porokeratosis


         A 22-year-old female presented with multiple, scaly, annular plaques with slightly elevated keratotic rims with central grooves on the central part of the face especially on the nose of three months duration. Cornoid lamella was evident on histological examination of skin biopsy.

Common, interesting and rare dermatoses presented in simple way by Dr. Nameer Al-Sudany