A 48-year-old man had been stung by a wasp. He immediately developed painful and tender red swelling. Three days later a small ulcer developed. After 10 days he presented with a painful and tender punched out ulcer with red border and purulent base. Swab taken from the ulcer margin showed S. aureus on culture.
A 20-year-old female gave a long history extended over many years of an annular and polycyclic erythematous lesions with slow peripheral extension involved the dorsum of the hand and flexor surface of the forearm. The surface of lesions was devoid of any scales, crusts or vesicles. She had no mucosal lesions. Skin biopsy showed many lymphocytes organized tightly around the blood vessels in a “coat sleeve” arrangement. The course of the condition was fluctuating in activity (waxing and waning in severity over these years). There was no associated other skin or systemic problem.
A 20-year-old female bothered by severe whealing on minor skin stroking, scratching or even minor friction. Patient’s name in arabic language has been induced on her forearm at time of presentation as shown in the presented photo.
A 17-year old male presented with an inflamed red nodule within which a chronic discarging sinus at the centre of the lower jaw of more than one year duration. Dental X-ray disclosed a periapical abscess of the second premolar tooth. The patient referred to a dentist for definitive therapy.
A less than 2 years old infant presented with congenital large asymptomatic compressible vascular swelling composed of strawberry-colored superficial part and deeper bluish spongy part involved the upper part of the left cheek.
A 49-year-old woman presented with an asymptomatic, red, annular plaque with elevated beaded border and flat depressed center. The plaque involved the dorsum of the hand of about 6 months duration. Skin biopsy was consistent with GA.
Painful, unilateral, vesiculopustular lesions on a background of erythema involving the lower back, buttock, upper thigh and lower abdomen (suprapubic region) of 4-5 days duration. Two to three days before rash onset it has been preceded by severe burning sensation and pain in the affected areas. It is noteworthy to notice the rash respectability to the midline both anteriorly and posteriorly.
A 27-year-old male presented with a rounded, slightly scaly, brownish patch involved one axilla of three months duration. KOH examination was negative and the lesion showed coral red fluorescence under wood’s lamp.