All posts by Ahmed

Medical Student

Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster2

Herpes zoster3


         Painful, unilateral, vesiculopustular lesions on a background of erythema involving the lower back, buttock, upper thigh and lower abdomen (suprapubic region) of 4-5 days duration. Two to three days before rash onset it has been preceded by severe burning sensation and pain in the affected areas. It is noteworthy to notice the rash respectability to the midline both anteriorly and posteriorly.

Port-wine hemangioma


       A 3-month-old infant has had unilateral right-sided port-wine stain associated with cleft lip since birth. There were no associated neurological or systemic defects. The mother complained of two bouts of spontaneous bleeding from the undersurface of the lip at the site of the vascular malformation which have been stopped with prolonged pressure on site of bleeding.

Furuncle (Boil)


          A 4-year-old girl presented with a very painful and tender red swelling with a central pustule on the anterior aspect of the lower part of the forearm of three days duration. It was associated with a tender axillary lymphadenopathy. The lesion had been drained with a simple small incision under local anesthesia with an anti-staphylococcal antibiotic.



          A young adult male (23-y-old) presented with chronic, indolent, inflammatory discharging nodules on the neck of about two years duration. Some older lesions have left scarring behind. Cervical lymph nodes were enlarged and skin biopsy showed dermal tuberculoid granulomas.

Pyoderma faciale


         A 22-year-old female suddenly developed papulo-pustular rash with many abscesses involved the face of two months duration. Characteristically there was no comedones and the rash was confined only to the face (chest, back and shoulders were not involved).

Pseudocyst of the auricle


          A 27-year-old male presented with a fluctuant, tense, noninflammatory swelling on the upper half of the ear of six months duration. The patient denied history of any trauma. Needle aspiration yielded serous fluid. This presentation is typical of pseudocyst of the auricle (auricular endochondral pseudocyst).