An 82-year-old man presented with multiple, asymptomatic, indurative and infiltrative erythematous nodules and plaques involved mainly the face and also the trunk of one year duration. Biopsy revealed B-cell lymphomatous infiltrate. Mediastinal and cervical lymph nodes were involved in addition to hepatosplenomegally.
A 28-year-old slightly overweight man presented with mildly hyperpigmented, velvety-like thickening of the skin with many skin tags of both axillae. He had no history of diabetes mellitus or family history of similar condition.
A 63-year-old lady presented with sudden severe swelling of both periorbital regions and lips associated with purpuric lesions on both lower limbs of 3 days duration. She had no history of similar attacks, drug intake or family history of similar condition. Angioedema:
A 9-year-old boy presented with honey-comb like atrophy on both cheeks. The face was symmetrically involved by numerous closely crowded small areas of atrophy separated by narrow ridges, producing a cribriform or honeycomb surface. He had no associated other diseases, such as congenital heart block, other cardiac anomalies, neurofibromatosis, oligophrenia, or Down syndrome.
This 26-year-old man was bothered by many atrophic scars on the cheeks as a result of severe acne vulgaris .many years ago. Which therapeutic option is the best: CO2 laser, dermabrasion or chemical peeling?
An asymptomatic, irregularly-shaped, hyperpigmented patch 8 cm in greatest diameter involved the side of one foot of more than one year duration in a 50-year-old woman. Skin biopsy disclosed acral lentiginous melanoma. There was no lymph node enlargement or distant metastasis.