All posts by Nameer Al-Sudany

Professor & Consultant dermatologist

Extensive morphea

A case presented by Dr. Ayman Abdelmaksoud, MD.
A 45-year-old woman presented with indurated plaques involved large portions of  the trunk and extremities of 5 years duration. On examination, wide spread sclerotic indurated areas with hyperpigmentation were seen. Serological tests for connective tissue disease were non-reactive and skin biopsy was consistent with morphea. The patient has been treated with an oral hydroxychloroquine 400/day plus topical corticosteroid.

Pseudocyst of the auricle

Case presented by Dr. Ayman Abdelmaksoud, MD.

A very interesting case of an asymptomatic swelling involved the auricle appeared few days after a bee sting in this 18-year-old male. However, there was no history of any type of trauma prior to the development of this cyst.


Pemphigus vulgaris

A 63-year-old woman presented with painful erosions, flaccid blisters and some residual hyperpigmentation of many months duration. The rash involved mainly the trunk and proximal parts of the extremities with minimal oral involvement. Skin biopsy of newly formed blister showed supra-basal intraepidermal blister with mixed inflammatory infiltrate.DSC05408_edited DSC05412_edited

Port-wine stain

An 18-month-old male baby presented with faint red patches confined to one side of the face (cheek, upper lip and nose). The vascular defect has been noticed since birth and characteristically, it respected the mid-line.  The severity of port-wine stains is variable as it can be very extensive and dark red in color on the other hand it may be of limited extent and faint or even hardly noticeable defect.

Multiple halo nevi

A 16-year-old male presented with many depigmented oval patches surrounding central melanocytic nevi on the back of six months duration. The patient noticed that a small pigmented nevus usually appear and then whitish patches develop within a matter of 1-2 months. The patient has no family history of vitiligo or halonevi.

Hyperpigmented Versicolor

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A-26 year-old male presented with widely distributed hyperpigmented patches covered with fine scales involved the trunk and proximal parts of the upper extremities of many years duration. Wood’s lamp showed yellow fluorescence over the affected sites.

Lichen planus actinicus

DSC05196_editedDSC05202_editedClinically, we encounter  4 types of lichen planus actinicus (LPA) during daily dermatological practice. These are:

1. Classical (Annular) LPA (commonest type)      2. Melasma-like LPA     3. Diffuse (Mask-like) LPA    4. Lichen nitidus-like LPA

A middle-aged woman has suffered a slightly pruritic but cosmetically bothering hyperpigmented slightly scaly rash confined to photosensitive areas of the face and dorsa of the hands of two years duration. The rash is persistent through out the year but usually exacerbates during spring and early summer. The color of the rash was characteristically pinkish-purplish on the face and more darkly pigmented and shiny on the hands.