Oral fibroma


          A 23-year-old female presented with an asymptomatic, solitary, smooth-surfaced, pinkish firm nodule arose from the buccal surface of the cheeck of six months duration. It has been excized totally under local anesthesia with the biopsy finding was consistent with benign fibroma.



          An 18-year-old male living in a rural area had long contact with domestic animals presented with a large, rounded, pinkish, oozing nodule with pus exuding from the orifices of hair follicles of more than one month duration on the side of the neck. It was associated with partial hair loss and retroauricular lymphadenopathy.
* Courtesy Dr. Khalil Al-Hamdi



          A 61-year-old man presented with a characteristic periorbital purplish discoloration (Heliotrope rash). It was associated with malar erythema and edema, less striking erythema of the neck and presternal area (Shawl sign) and atrophic papules over the knuckles of the fingers (Gottron’s papules). The skin signs had appeared simultaneously with muscle symptoms (weakness of proximal muscles). No underlying tumour was found. Investigations revealed: Negative ANA , Elevated CPK and abnormal EMG.



          A 12-year-old boy presented with an asymptomatic skin-coloured to brownish dome-shaped firm nodule on the shin of six months duration. The patient denied any history of noticeable trauma to the lesional area prior to the appearance of the nodule.

Erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme2


         A 45-year-old woman presented with a ten-day history of an erythematous plaques on both forearms and dorsa of the hands. The rash was pruritic, bilateral and symmetrical. Many lesions have target appearance. No previous drug intake or a preceding infection.

Tinea corporis


      A middle-aged housewife presented with an irregular-shaped red scaly patch composed of few concentric rings on the extensor aspect of the forearm of three months duration. She gave history of previous tinea corporis involved a nearby area to the present lesion which had been successfully treated one year ago.

Tinea faciei


          A middle-aged-woman presented with pruritic, circinate, erythematous, scaly patches involved major part of the face of three months duration. KOH prepared scales showed many fungal hyphae and spores. Treatment with oral griseofulvin was successful.
* Courtesy: Dr. Khalil Al-Hamdi

Common, interesting and rare dermatoses presented in simple way by Dr. Nameer Al-Sudany